To: General Directors of SGI Organizations
From: Eiichi Wada, General Director, SGI
Subject: Nikken appears in court
Date: December 22, 1997
Nikken appeared in court today regarding the Seattle Incident between 14:00 end 15:40 where his attorney asked him various questions regarding that event.
Nikken, based he said, on his own diary, conceded that he went out of his hotel and was drunk. He, however, refused to admit that that he had troubles with prostitutes; that Mrs.. Clow came to his .aid; or that the police were involved.
The next session in which the attorneys on the Soka Gakkai side will cross examine Nikken win be held on February 2, I998.
Thank you for your continued support and chanting.
February 2, 1998
From: Yuichiro Kitano, SGI Vice President
To: SGI Organizations
Re: Seattle Incident Trial
Soka Gakkai Lawyers cross examined Nikken far two hours today in the "Seattle incident" trial, a libel suit initiated by Nichiren Shoshu revolving around his involvement with prostitutes in Seattle in 1963. Nikken's testimony of December 22 last year was sharply Questioned and numerous contradictions were brought to light. The cross examination could not be completed in a single hearing and the case was adjourned until May 18, when cross examination by Soka Gakkai lawyers will continue.
Nikken took the stand again wearing traditional Japanese dress. He was even less at ease than during his last testimony, frequently retracting his statements, falling silent or going off on tangents. Overall, his disjointed answers served only to undermine his past statements denying the truth of the incident.
During the questioning Nikken reaffirmed his past statement that should the Seattle incident be proven to be fact he would resign as the High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu. Asked if this was still his stance he declared that this determination "has not changed in the least."
Soka Gakkai lawyers pointed out the contradictory nature of a number of his statements at the past hearing.
When Nikken was asked today what time he had left his hotel on the evening of the incident, he answered "7 or 8 o'clock" When it was pointed out that that was precisely the time when the Gojukai ceremony was being conducted, he simply muttered that he must have forgotten. He also demonstrated an inability to accurately recall what time he had slept or arisen the day of the incident, changing his story several times. Failing to produce any evidence refuting the incident, his attitude simply produced further contradictions and doubts. Those in attendance at the hearing had the sense that his fabrications were collapsing one after another.
Cross examination by Soka Gakkai lawyers will continue on May 18, when further light will be shed on the factual nature of this incident.
P.O.Box 1427 Santa Monica, CA 90406-1427
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